
Who am I?

I am a woman in my late thirties (as of 2016), married, with a seven year old daughter and a bunny, living in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. I have a regular 9-to-5 non-gardening related job from which I escape into the garden. Friends have called it my “sanity”, although opinions might differ on that!

A Good Lot came about as a way for me to talk about all things gardening and connect with like-minded people, wherever they may be.

What’s with the name?

The name A Good Lot is a reference to three things:

The literal lot or parcel of land on which our house is built, where I garden. The fertile clay and perfect weather make it a good place to grow a garden.

A reminder to be grateful for my lot in life. Despite daily struggles, I am indeed fortunate to live the life I do.

And finally, a garden is never done. There is always a lot to do!

Thank you for visiting my site! I am glad you stopped by.

Please do leave a comment or just say Hi. I would love to hear from you!



One response to “About”

  1. Tana Avatar

    This is my first time by your blog, via Annies Enjoyed it very much. Read about your new trees and it reminded me of myself a long time ago. Small and smallest I would buy, they would always grow and I could wait. Alas, I have I feel been forced to look at my new plants a little differently now. I am nearing 81, and though I am glad to leave them for the next generation, I really want to experience them myself, while still kicking around. In fact I will be getting another order into Annie’s now, but just now I have returned from Armstrong Garden Center. I went for two roses that I don’t have, bare root style. But while there I couldn’t resist some new fruit trees which accounts for why your blog caught my eye.You see I didn’t know that stone fruit trees have a certain number of years for bearing their wonders. Mine have not done well for a couple of years so I had 5 stone fruit and a huge fig tree removed. Now, my 2 new roses have turned into 3 different peaches, 1 burgundy plum, 1 brown turkey fig and 3 roses. I am feeling much better now. (I was just returning from the vet where I learned my beloved German Shepherd has a strained ACL – what is she a pro athlete? She’s 6 and the vet said the good news was that at that age she has absolutely perfect hips and would be recommended for breeding, She was spayed at about 5 months. The reason I digress is that I was really feeling down about that, but with her we went to the nursery, now I think we are both feeling much better. My citrus are standard size and still producing like there is no end.
    I realize I have been going on and on, hope you aren’t bored to tears, but I guess i just saw myself in you 50 years ago. Even today many plants grow in my yard because nature (birds) have put them there. I have little cherry tomatoes all over, even in deep shade – you would never plant them there on purpose. Years ago I went to the Chelsea Flower show in London and purchased some sweet pea seed (see Annie’s) planted them and to this day, 10 -15 years ago I get them coming up and blooming. You should seem them grow up through my roses, makes a beautiful bouquet. They long ago left where they were planted. Enjoy your husband, daughter, and garden they will be yours for llife.


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